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Online Startup Pitching: Benefits

The ability to pitch and communicate your project effectively is critical for any startup founder on the path of getting clients, team members and investors. A great pitch can convince quickly and leave no doubt about the value of the idea. By participating in a pitching event, founders can gain the necessary knowledge, get valuable advice and pitch their startup to dozens of people who are building their own products and facing the same obstacles.

One of the ways that startup founders can present and test their idea, is by joining an online startup pitching event. StartupBlink has been organizing these events for a very long time and can assure the best experience to participants, whether they stop by to pitch, give feedback or just observe the whole process. It is a unique opportunity to refine your idea and message based on honest advice from dozens of participants and expert mentors from a variety of industries without spending a dime.

In this article, we share the benefits of joining such events and an opportunity to pitch your startup in Startup Pitching online event by StartupBlink.

Opportunity to refine your idea and test it

You have a great idea and you are ready to start building. But, is your idea as good as you think? Before investing in a new project, you need to test its true potential. Many times, the weaknesses of your project are visible to everyone, except you. Hence, putting yourself in front of dozens of founders and mentors can help you refine your idea and improve it based on the feedback from listeners. After all, you do not want to end up with a product that nobody wants, right?

Reaching a wide crowd 

Pitching events attract people from different fields that all share the same interest in innovation. With only one pitch, you can reach numerous people that have the potential of becoming your product co-founders, users or investors. In addition, the great pitch increases your chances of generating word of mouth promotion. Be that you and your idea spreading from one person to another or a real social media buzz. With a great presentation, you can get many people talking about your solution.

Participate in the comfort of your house

Participation in a pitching event can help founders to spread the word about their project without spending a nickel on promotion. Many startup builders cannot afford traveling to global conferences. Hence, pitching events can be a great alternative to pass on the message about their activities to the wide crowd from the comfort of one’s own home. With only a stable internet connection, great audio and video equipment, you are ready to go. Needless to say, all that time and money saved can be spent to prepare a concise presentation stating the problem and providing the actual project as a solution.

Participation is free

Further to that, unlike participating in a conference, summits or seminars, online pitching events are free of charge and open to everyone. No extra expenses for buying an entrance ticket; just jump on a video conference and meet all innovation-driven people!

Startup Pitching online events by StartupBlink

At StartupBlink, we have been organizing online pitching events for a while now. Many successful pitchers have already reported about the benefits of joining this event. That includes increased attention from other founders and potential users, as well as investors willing to fund their projects.

We are pleased to be part of this important journey for every startup builder and want to encourage more people to join our pitching events. If you are not feeling ready enough to pitch your product, stop by to watch other founders pitch and give feedback on how to improve the idea. By doing so, you are not only helping others who are going through the same uncertainties but, also, have an opportunity to improve your pitch.

Here are some testimonials from Kennedy Mashanda, Founder of Aries VR:

“The ability to hop onto the web and pitch to an audience of 50 people who have never heard of your product and receive loads of feedback notes is something very powerful. There is also the opportunity to connect with people that can help you directly. As long as you remember to ASK.”

“I got approached by a VC and a marketing advisor just from putting aside an hour of my week. In the real world, this normally takes weeks of cold calls.”

“Even just spectating helps you naturally learn to what makes a good or bad pitch. Spectating and being able to give others feedback helped me further my pitching skills while also looking at how far I have come.”

We are happy to share such positive feedback; though, we want you to participate and experience all that yourself. Join us for an online Startup Pitching event that happens every Wednesday by registering and saving your spot here.