ReflectizThe cyber security company identifies and addresses website vulnerabilities, threats, and privacy concerns arising from third-party technologies.
ReflectizThe cyber security company identifies and addresses website vulnerabilities, threats, and privacy concerns arising from third-party technologies.
VeganNationVeganNation is a decentralized nation powered by blockchain technology, using VeganCoin for transactions. It offers a global, vegan-friendly platform for users to engage in secure and sustainable commerce.
ProftitProftit is the CRM for financial services. Proftit is designed to analyze all leads according to the brand’s needs, optimize the way the leads are handled to achieve the highest value per client and automate your operations.
lead.imlead.im is a cloud-based online platform for managing leads and sales and specializes in meeting campaign managers and business owners.
Total amount:4
The top three most funded startups in Bnei Brak have raised total funding of more than USD 15.5M. Among the top three funded startups, the most popular industry, based on total funding, is Fintech.
VeganNationVeganNation is a decentralized nation powered by blockchain technology, using VeganCoin for transactions. It offers a global, vegan-friendly platform for users to engage in secure and sustainable commerce.
ReflectizThe cyber security company identifies and addresses website vulnerabilities, threats, and privacy concerns arising from third-party technologies.
lead.imlead.im is a cloud-based online platform for managing leads and sales and specializes in meeting campaign managers and business owners.
Total amount:4
The top three hiring startups in Bnei Brak have an average employee size that is larger than to the global average. Among these, the Fintech industry features the startup with the largest workforce.
ReflectizThe cyber security company identifies and addresses website vulnerabilities, threats, and privacy concerns arising from third-party technologies.
VeganNationVeganNation is a decentralized nation powered by blockchain technology, using VeganCoin for transactions. It offers a global, vegan-friendly platform for users to engage in secure and sustainable commerce.
ProftitProftit is the CRM for financial services. Proftit is designed to analyze all leads according to the brand’s needs, optimize the way the leads are handled to achieve the highest value per client and automate your operations.
lead.imlead.im is a cloud-based online platform for managing leads and sales and specializes in meeting campaign managers and business owners.
Total amount:4
The top three startups in Bnei Brak have average website traffic that is lower than to the global average. Among the top three startups, the most popular industry, based on total website traffic, is Social & Leisure.
ProftitProftit is the CRM for financial services. Proftit is designed to analyze all leads according to the brand’s needs, optimize the way the leads are handled to achieve the highest value per client and automate your operations.
lead.imlead.im is a cloud-based online platform for managing leads and sales and specializes in meeting campaign managers and business owners.
ReflectizThe cyber security company identifies and addresses website vulnerabilities, threats, and privacy concerns arising from third-party technologies.
Total amount:4
National Rank
Regional Rank
(Middle East)
Global Rank