Best Coworking Spaces & Shared Offices in Stockholm for 2025

In our database, Stockholm accounts for 56% of coworking spaces in the country. Stockholm ranks 1st in Sweden for the quantity of coworking spaces and shared offices.

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Stockholm, Park Venue<br /><br />The Park Venue offers fantastic opportunities for those who want a representative workplace in the middle of the big city pulse. The office space is located at Engelbrektsgatan, next to Humleg&aring;rden, which also means a lovely green park around the corner. &Ouml;stermalmstorg is the nearest metro station, a number of bus lines go outside the door and T-centralen on pleasant walking distance.<br /><br />The centre is located in a beautiful building from 1887, originally Beskowska secondary school. The premises are rebuilt and renovated during 2000. Here you can rent a work space in landscape as well as different sizes of private offices. The Park Venue has flexible and affordable office space which receives top ratings by our customers.

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Stockholm Central<br />M&auml;ster Samuelsgatan 60, 8th Floor, 111 21 Stockholm<br /><br />The office space in M&auml;ster Samuelsgatan, Stockholm is extremely well located in the Lower Norrmalm district (also known as 'Norrmalm'), alongside T-Centralen, Central station. Surrounded largely by modern offices, accommodating IT and financial companies, this modern, eighth-floor facility is within view of Stockholm's World Trade Centre. Covered parking is available on site. Norrmalm was largely rebuilt in the 50s and 60s, giving a very modern feel to the city centre. Tourism plays an increasingly large role in Sweden's predominantly service-based industry, and almost half of Sweden's big companies are headquartered in Stockholm.

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Fokusera p&aring; ditt f&ouml;retag och arbeta effektivt i en professionell kontorsmilj&ouml;. Flexibla arbetsplatser i hj&auml;rtat av Stockholms finansdistrikt p&aring; Stureplan. <br /><br />Coworking &auml;r ett alternativ f&ouml;r dig som vill arbeta i ett gemensamt kontor som &auml;r fullt m&ouml;blerade och utrustade med h&ouml;ghastighetsanslutning till Internet. Med v&aring;ra kontorsl&ouml;sningar, betalar du endast f&ouml;r det du anv&auml;nder. Vi erbjuder &auml;ven dig och dina kollegor att hyra v&aring;ra professionella sekreterartj&auml;nster. V&aring;rt nyckelord &auml;r flexibilitet, d&auml;r vi anpassar oss till era behov.<br /><br />Det s&auml;tt vi arbetar p&aring; har f&ouml;r&auml;ndrats och nya flexibla arbetstider &auml;r v&auml;gen fram&aring;t. Hos Regus erbjuder vi de b&auml;sta kontoren, de b&auml;sta l&auml;gena, till oslagbara priser.<br /><br />Det h&auml;r f&ouml;retagscentret ligger i hj&auml;rtat av Stockholms finansdistrikt p&aring; Stureplan och &auml;r en av stadens mest ansedda adresser. F&ouml;retagscentret ligger p&aring; fj&auml;rde v&aring;ningen och &auml;r omgivet av fr&auml;mst servicebaserade branscher.

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