Coworking space in Hamburg, Germany
In our database, Hamburg accounts for 9% of coworking spaces in the country. Hamburg ranks 5th in Germany for the quantity of coworking spaces and shared offices.
Coworking space in Hamburg, Germany
Build in 1915 in a North American Style, the “Kontorhaus” once accommodated the oldest Gold and Silversmith of the City. In this historical building, the new business center is located on the second floor with a sensational and unobstructed water fountain view. In the open Lounge areas as well as the Library and the fireplace room, our clients and business travelers are welcome to work, meet and establish business contacts. Further for private meetings, three impressive meeting rooms are available and the accessible courtyards invites for a stroll.<br /><br />The „Neuer Wall“ is a buzzing business street in the center of Hamburg and belongs to the 10 most important European shopping miles which was restored a couple of years back. Many Design Stores and boutiques for jewelry, luxury clothing and furniture are located here. In addition, there is a various choice of Restaurants in walking distance, from a quick though to an extensive business lunch.
Regus - Hamburg, Altona is a coworking space of the Regus chain, located in Hamburg, Germany
Total amount:20
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