Offices Cuatro Torres Georgia 3100 is located in one of the best commercial areas of Chihuahua. This location includes different types of offices, including commercial offices, executive offices, work desks, and boardrooms.
In our database, Chihuahua accounts for 4% of coworking spaces in the country. Chihuahua ranks 5th in Mexico for the quantity of coworking spaces and shared offices.
Offices Cuatro Torres Georgia 3100 is located in one of the best commercial areas of Chihuahua. This location includes different types of offices, including commercial offices, executive offices, work desks, and boardrooms.
+52 614 439 5000 ext. 5528 <br />Av. H. Colegio Militar #4700, Nombre de Dios, 31150 Chihuahua, Chih.
Living Lab CUU is a space for colaboration and the development of an ecosystem around Internet of things.
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