We are a great coworking space with a awesome community full of freelance and entrepreneur..
In our database, Barranquilla accounts for 13% of coworking spaces in the country. Barranquilla ranks 3rd in Colombia for the quantity of coworking spaces and shared offices.
We are a great coworking space with a awesome community full of freelance and entrepreneur..
LYD HouseLYD House is the ultimate social coworking space in Latin America for those who wish to make their dream a reality. We strive to provide a creative, dynamic and cozy work environment for individuals with a strong desire to thrive offering private offices and hot desks. Focus on your dreams, we will focus on empowering you.
Regus - Barranquilla, Buro 51 is a coworking space of the Regus chain, located in Barranquilla, Colombia
Total amount:5
National Rank
Regional Rank
Global Rank